Waste collection / handling procedures and arrangements

Discuss with owners’ organisation, cleansing contractor and private waste collection contractor waste collection / handling procedures and arrangements (including reviewing contract terms, extra manpower, number and position of large waste collection bins)

  1. Communal waste reception areas - The property management companies/cleansing contractors shall instruct the cleansing workers to check whether the general waste/oversized waste disposed of by individual households has been properly wrapped in designated bags or affixed with designated labels when collecting waste from the communal waste reception areas and reject any non-compliant waste that is being handed over to them face-to-face. To maintain environmental hygiene, property management companies/cleansing contractors may instruct them to collect any non-compliant waste from unknown sources found at the communal waste reception areas for further handling.

  2. Other common areas - According to the law, waste disposed of in small litter containers (e.g., small litter containers that are usually placed in the lift lobbies of premises) placed in common areas (e.g., clubhouses, podium gardens, and lift lobbies, etc.) for collecting small quantity of small-sized waste (e.g., used tissue paper) is not required to be wrapped properly in designated bags or affixed with designated labels. In other words, property management companies/cleansing contractors are not required to instruct cleansing workers to check for non-compliant waste when collecting waste from such litter containers, or line the relevant containers with designated bags in advance. However, property management companies should instruct cleansing workers to ensure that all waste collected from this kind of small litter containers should be eventually wrapped properly in designated bags or affixed with designated labels before handing it over to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department, its contractors or private waste collectors who collect waste by refuse collection vehicles with rear compactors. Meanwhile, in order to maintain environmental hygiene, property management companies/cleansing contractors may instruct cleansing workers to collect non-compliant waste from unknown sources found in common areas (including communal recyclables collection points (hereinafter referred to as "recycling points")) for further handling. property management companies and cleansing contractors should instruct cleansing workers to ensure that all waste collected (including waste from the abovementioned small litter containers placed in common areas for collecting small quantity of small-sized waste, and the non-compliant waste found at the communal waste reception areas and common areas) in the premises have been properly wrapped in designated bags or affixed with designated labels before handing it over to the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department or waste collectors. Property management companies and cleansing contractors should provide designated bags or designated labels for cleansing workers to dispose of the above waste.

Incorporate Sample Provisions to be inserted into tender documents in relation to the provision of cleansing services for Government Bureax/ Departments