Codes of Conduct
As society progresses, the public has increasing expectations and rising standards for property management services. The property management industry must advance with times, strengthen its professional conduct and constantly raise its level of service to adapt to challenges and move forward towards quality and professionalism.
Under the property management industry licensing regime, besides issuing licence, the PMSA actively formulates Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides for the industry to provide practical guidance on various property management functions and a set of service standards which propels the industry to raise its professional service level, at the same time increasing the transparency of work standards of the industry and the public’s understanding of the industry, thereby reducing conflict and complaints regarding property management services.
A licensee of property management does not incur a civil or criminal liability only because the licensee has contravened a provision of the codes of conduct. However, in any proceedings (whether disciplinary, civil or criminal), if the Property Management Services Authority, the disciplinary committee or the court is satisfied that a provision of the codes of conduct is relevant to determining a matter that is in issue in the proceedings, then the codes of conduct are admissible in evidence in the proceedings; and proof that a licensee contravened or did not contravene the provision may be relied on as tending to establish or negate that matter.
Currently, the Property Management Services Authority has issued multiple Codes of Conduct and related Best Practice Guides in accordance with the Property Management Services Ordinance (Cap. 626).
The Property Management Services Authority will continue to issue other Codes of Conduct and Best Practice Guides timely, covering different property management areas in order to provide guidance to the industry, including Handling Drainage Work; Handling Residential Noise Issues; Clubhouse Facilities Management; Drinking Water Facilities Management and Handling Canopy Work.