How to Assist Residents of Private Residential Premises to Purchase Designated Bags?

Having reached a consensus with the owners’ corporation (OC)/owners’ organsation (OO) of the managed property, property management companies (PMCs) may submit “Bulk Purchase of Designated Bags for Distribution to Residents of Private Residential Premises - Application Form” on behalf of residents to the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) for processing. The EPD will create an account in the EPD’s Smart Inventory Management System for successful PMC applicants, such that they can order designated bags (D-bags) in retail packing online directly, and arrange for self pick-up or delivery service with additional charges. 

EPD will offer a service fee equivalent to 3% of the prescribed price for each D-bag to PMCs applying for bulk purchase of D-bags on behalf of residents to distribute to residents for use in order to cover the additional operating costs. To encourage early purchasing of D-bags for distribution to residents, if PMCs could place the order(s) on or before 31 January 2024; and the D-bags are self picked-up or delivered on or before 29 February 2024, an early-bird discount, in which the service-fee rebate of that order(s) would raise from 3% to 4% of the prescribed price for each D-bag, will be provided.

Garbage Bag Arrangements for Common Parts of Private Residential Premises

As for D-bags/D-labels for disposal of garbage in common areas of private residential premises, PMCs may submit “Bulk Purchase of Designated Bags and/or Designated Labels – Application Form” to the EPD for bulk purchase of D-bags and/or D-labels for daily operational needs. After approval, PMCs can also order D-bags and/or D-labels directly through the EPD’s Smart Inventory Management System.

Visit the below websites for the relevant application forms: